Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Trying something new

Good morning! Yesterday, I joined Filipino Scrapbooker at facebook. While browsing through the post, I saw a post from Patricia Alejandro Paterno that caught my eyes. I went to visit her blog and it made my jaw dropped. She is an awesome artist and she really inspired me to try something that I'd been wanting to try for a very long time. I was so afraid to try it because in my mind I know I cannot do it. Though since I was young, as early as 5, as far as I can remember, I love doing arts and crafts. My heart loves art (who doesn't?). I know that I've seen other artist doing the same thing. Other is even better than her. But she have something that made me wanna do it. In one of her post, My Father's Daughter she made me realized that I just have to do it, because I can and I too, is my Father's daughter :) Anyways, I did what I have to do. Do it now or never! So I grabbed all the available materials that I have and for me it's a miracle because I love how it turned how. I hope you will too :)

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

I was able to make 2 actually. I will share the other one tom. Thank you for dropping by. Thanks for looking!

You can visit Patricia's blog by clicking the link above and who knows? You too will be inspire to make one.


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